It’s inevitable, every new year brings a set of resolutions. We all start out with great intentions when we set our resolutions and goals for the new year.
Keep this in mind: When you set a goal for better health, you’re setting your entire life up for greatness. The minute you dedicate yourself to a healthier lifestyle, a whole new world opens up. Let’s face it you can have as much money as your heart desires, but when you are unhealthy, that’s just more money for doctors, caregivers and bills. When you’re healthy, you have more energy to be better at home and at work.
Several years ago, I was very “comfortable” and content being an emergency RN. I had a steady, reliable paycheck; I traveled the world. Although I was caring for others on a daily basis, I slowly began to neglect my own health. I gained weight and I was the heaviest that I had ever been in my life.
So in January 2008, I decided to move out of my comfort zone by making health and fitness my No. 1 goal. By September 2008, I started my own fitness camp. I was based out of the hospital that I was working. After three months of starting the camp and following my dream, I was in a brand new building. Less than a year later, I was running my business full-time. I am not saying that it was easy or that my walk is for everyone; however, health and fitness was what led me to the start of following my dreams.
If you want to resolve to get healthier and more fit in 2014, first, you have to drop the excuses and totally change your mind-set; believe that you are worthy of change. Secondly, believe that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. My favorite saying is: “The mind will quit a thousand times before you body ever will.” Lastly: Get uncomfortable. Get out of your comfort zone, and if that means waking up at 4 a.m. for a 5 a.m. workout, then get up! If it means not going to lunch with your coworkers to that favorite lunch spot, then start brown bagging it.
As I type this, my phone is ringing off the hook with people inquiring about my first camp and different classes I have to offer. A few have said, “I’ve been following you for months and just wanted to wait to the New Year to begin working out.” And some have said, “I will join when the weather warms up.” Procrastination is where a lot of people go wrong. So, the day you inquire or get excited about health and fitness, start that day! Do not start next Monday or tomorrow, but start right at that moment.
Also, make eating properly one of your goals. Many people have a poor relationship with food. We stress eat, we fail to address issues which leads to anxiety and we eat away our sorrows. We also reward ourselves with food, a sundae for a good day, dinner after a promotion. Try to find something other than food to reward yourself with this year. A massage, a pedicure, a movie, or if you were really good, a trip! You won’t feel guilty afterward and I promise it will be fun!
Have a Happy No Mess Year!
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