Fitness Carter

Friday, October 4, 2013

4 Foods That Just Might Help Fight Against Breast Cancer - Glamour (blog)

Thursday, 10/ 3/2013 4:25 PM

Your risk for breast cancer[1] depends on a lot of different factors[2] . Some of them—genetics[3] , family history—are things you can't change. But other risk factors come from what your lifestyle is like...for example, smoking or lack of exercise. And some research shows that diet can play a role too—but not always in a negative way. In fact, some foods may actually help provide protection against breast cancer.


Pumpkin and sunflower seeds: A study of thousands of breast cancer patients and thousands of women without breast cancer found that the more of these seeds—which contain high amounts of plant estrogen-like compounds—that were eaten, the less risk there was of developing breast cancer after menopause.

Green tea: Some research has suggested[4] that green tea might help women with breast cancer by limiting the growth of the tumor. The polyphenols in the tea could possibly cut down the proteins that contribute to the growth of tumors.

Foods high in folate: Dark leafy greens, asparagus, broccoli, and even some citrus fruits are high in folate and folic acid, which may have protective effects[5] against breast cancer (and especially estrogen-receptor-negative types of the disease). One study on postmenopausal women found that those who took a lot of folate supplements were 22 percent less likely to have breast cancer, compared with those who took none.

Fish oil: A review in the British Medical Journal[6] revealed interesting results: that women who consumed the highest amounts of the omega-3 fatty acids—via fish or fish oil supplements, about two servings weekly of oily fish (salmon, herring, sardines)—had a 14 percent lower risk of developing breast cancer.

Do you eat any of these foods regularly? PS: It's National Breast Cancer Awareness Month[7] learn more[8] about the campaign and the disease!

Photo: Thinkstock


  1. ^ breast cancer (

  2. ^ different factors (

  3. ^ genetics (

  4. ^ Some research has suggested (

  5. ^ may have protective effects (

  6. ^ British Medical Journal (

  7. ^ National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (

  8. ^ learn more (

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