Fitness Carter

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Petition: Physical fitness camp a nuisance - McDowell News

Some residents of Hoppy Tom Hollow Road are voicing their opposition to a business in their neighborhood that teaches physical fitness through basic training classes, saying it is creating noise and traffic.

But county officials say no ordinances are being violated.

For the past few months, 828 Boot Camp, located at 778 Hoppy Tom Hollow Road, has offered people of all ages and backgrounds classes in physical fitness training. Participants at 828 Boot Camp participate in such activities as log presses, battle ropes, army crawls through soaked grass, and carrying five-gallon buckets of water and logs, according to a previous story in The McDowell News,

“Wanna train for a Tough Mudder or a Warrior Dash?” reads the operation’s Facebook page. “Or do you just wanna look like a warrior? If you live in the western North Carolina area then BOOT CAMP 828 !! is what you need...Train 3 days per week in a motivating group setting get in Race day shape and dominate the competition.”

But some folks living along Hoppy Tom Hollow are not so enthusiastic about 828 Boot Camp. On Friday, Daniel Gray and Herbert Carver spoke to The McDowell News about a petition they have circulated among other residents in opposition to the boot camp being located in their neighborhood.

“This petition is intended to show the neighborhood’s objection to the operation of a business (828 Boot Camp at 778 Hoppy Tom Hollow Road Marion NC) in the residential area of Hoppy Tom Hollow,” it reads.

The petition has 26 signatures. Gray, Carver and the others who signed the petition said they are not opposed to the concept of 828 Boot Camp or its physical fitness activities. They said their opposition is based on the increased noise and traffic it generates and the disturbance it causes for other folks, especially senior citizens. They wish 828 Boot Camp was located somewhere else.

“I have no problem with a person opening a business but do it in the proper place,” said Gray. “We’re not the only ones (who object). We’re the ones who’s helping out the older folks who live there.”

“It’s getting bigger,” said Carver. “It’s growing every day.”

Their petition also objects to a charity 5K and fun run that was scheduled for Saturday. This event is intended to raise money for 9-year-old Ean Hughes, who is suffering from leukemia. Gray and Carver said would like to see the fund-raising event held someplace else.

“We believe that this event not only an inconvenience but will also be a safety and traffic hazard in the neighborhood,” reads the petition. “The following signatures are meant to voice our concerns and hopefully end the operation of this business in the said residential area.”

Some of the people who signed the petition listed other concerns about 828 Boot Camp’s operation. “Can’t get kids to sleep for school due to noise,” wrote one signer. “This is also causing more litter on the side of road,” wrote another.

“Had boot camp going on while my sister was grieving for her husband, No respect,” wrote one signer.

Gray and Carver said they have tried to talk with the operator of 828 Boot Camp about the problems but nothing has been done. They said they have also tried to get county officials to do something about but they seem to be “dragging their feet.”

Although the petition refers to Hoppy Tom Hollow Road as a “residential area,” it cannot actually be considered that because there are no zoning rules in place to keep it residential. Like most of McDowell County, there are no rules regarding what can or cannot be allowed in a certain area.

828 Boot Camp was started by Kevin Gauthier to help local residents train for mud runs and other physical fitness events. He is an instructor at the camp.

On Friday, The McDowell News attempted to contact Gauthier about the petition and his neighbors’ concerns. His wife Leah said he was busy outside getting everything ready for the charity 5K and fun run, which was set for the next day. Lasting from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., the fund-raiser for Ean Hughes would also have inflatables.

She said 828 Boot Camp has been checked out by county officials and it does not violate any county rules. “We end at a reasonable time,” she added. “The property owner is fine with it.”

Leah said the property is owned by the Rev. Danny Castle, former pastor of New Manna Baptist Church and currently the pastor of Shining Light Baptist Church in Morganton. She said 828 Boot Camp does not create a lot of noise.

“If it was too loud, we would be happy to turn it down,” she added.

County Planner Ron Harmon said Environmental Health officials from the county Health Department have looked the place over and found nothing that could be done. The Environmental Health division with the Health Department inspects septic systems, public swimming pools, tattoo parlors, hospitals, day cares, schools, nursing and rest homes, lodging and food handling establishments.

“I also contacted the Sheriff’s Department who said they couldn't do anything until something actually happened,” said Harmon. “Of course from my end, there is nothing to enforce since there is no zoning.”

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