Fitness Carter

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Useful tips for keeping your new year's fitness resolution - WLOX


Every year, millions of Americans make a new year's resolution to lose weight and get in better shape. Unfortunately, many of those people will fail. But there are some ways to ensure success and help you reach your goal to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Fitness experts suggest setting small attainable goals that can be reached easily. In addition, they say it's more of a lifestyle change than anything else.

One of the better suggestions is to bring a friend along with you in your quest for better health. Having a friend means you're accountable to someone other than yourself and it really seems to work. At least that is what Doug Walker found out in his visit to Planet Fitness in Biloxi this morning.

Watch for Doug's story later on tonight on WLOX News and on It just might help you reach your goal of better fitness in 2014.

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