Fitness Carter

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Benefits of Bikram Yoga - KULR-TV


If you have ever wondered about hot yoga, experts say it has several benefits for your body.

Bikram Yoga has gone nationwide, and it's starting to trend in Billings.

Bikram Yoga owner, Lea Jacobson, said after you get over the 105 degree room temperature, it works wonders on your body.

"Bikram Yoga in particular is I think the fountain of youth. I mean you come in and do a regular practice, which would be three, or four times a week and you're going to sleep better. You're going to have more energy. You're going to lose weight," Lea Jacobson said.

Lea said the benefits are muscular strength, endurance, flexibility and balance.

"You're going to regulate every part of your body including your thyroid, your blood pressure, your cholesterol," Lea Jacobson said.

Wild and Free Photography owner, Meahgen Jacobson said she started doing Bikram Yoga because she had 6 knee surgeries, and it was easy on her joints.

"And literally I've seen my body transform, you know from having a baby to back to the way it used to be so it's been amazing. I've only been doing it for 2 months," Meahgen Jacobson said.

Meahgen said she used to have lower back pain, but after taking a few classes, she says she feels like a new person.

"And I just feel very centered, and relaxed and like I can move you know even just playing with my daughter I just feel like I have way more energy and I can get down to her level," Meahgen Jacobson said.

Jacobson said another benefit of Bikram Yoga is that it works every part of your body, and allows your muscles to stretch more effectively.

She also encourages people to drink water during class, and bring plenty of towels to wipe away their excess sweat.

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