Fitness Carter

Monday, December 23, 2013

Profile in Fitness: Sally Butler draws Ironman inspiration from sister's memory - Dallas Morning News

Sally Butler’s workout passion was, for many years, showing horses in the Texas Hunter Jumper Association. After her sister died of multiple myeloma, Butler channeled her abilities and passion into other endeavors; namely, completing an Ironman.

“My sister was an amazing person who brought light to everything she touched,” says Butler, 55, who lives in Copper Canyon. “She was brave and funny and left a huge hole in my heart when she left us. What I do with my fitness is to celebrate life because it is precious and precarious.”

How and why I’m into fitness: Seeing my sister lose her health made me realize that I was neglecting mine and wasting my youth. Fitness makes me feel like I am living life!

Typical workout week: When I’m not training for a major long event, I work out about eight hours a week. I have two bike sessions, two swim sessions, two runs and two strength sessions. During peak Ironman training, I exercise about 18 hours a week.

If I had just 20 minutes to exercise, I would: Run in the summer and use the bike trainer in the winter.

Favorite healthy food: Fruit.

Favorite indulgence: Pancakes at Snooty Pig Cafe in Highland Village.

Proudest fitness moment: Completing an Ironman triathlon.

Fitness goals: To compete in the Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii.

Fitness mentor: My coach, Della Irby.

What I’d tell someone who wants to follow my routine: Start slowly and build over a few years. It took me four years to be able to maintain the volume of training that I do now. Be consistent but be flexible because things happen like life, injuries and illness. Most important, be sure to incorporate rest and recovery into your fitness program.

What my workout says about me: I am disciplined and focused, and determined to make a difference even if it is only in a very small way.

Leslie Barker

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