Fitness Carter

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Healthy eating: Good and good for you - Morris Daily Herald

Healthy eating is fundamental to good health – especially during National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month.

“A well-balanced diet helps prevent so many diseases,” said Trisha Hardy, a registered dietitian and director of child wellness at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. “In our Health for Life clinic, we work with families and children to change poor lifelong eating habits and help prevent the health issues that go along with that.”

Helping families eat right includes encouraging everyone to make half their plate veggies and fruits, drink more water and limit sugary drinks.

Hardy said it’s also important to be active for 60 minutes every day and limit screen time to one hour every day as ways to have fun and keep everyone moving.

Hardy is the mom of an almost 2-year-old and she shares her strategies for encouraging children to eat a variety of foods.

“My daughter eats what we eat and we allow her to choose from what we’re serving,” she said. “Just recently she tried okra for the first time when it came into season. It wasn’t her favorite, but I’ll give it to her a few more times so she can get her palate used to eating it.”

Her strategy is paying off. Broccoli? Her daughter now eats it like ice cream. Squash? She loves it.

“We find if we try it, she will try it,” Hardy said. “Role modeling is so important.”

Hardy said when you’re working toward healthier cooking, it’s important to start small. The all-or-nothing approach generally doesn’t work, she said.

“Make these changes over time,” Hardy said. “The more you can make your children a part of the decision, the more likely they are to embrace and adopt them. A lot of time people think they can’t eat healthy because they don’t have the time, it costs too much and it’s too difficult. That’s just not true.”

She offers a number of suggestions that can make eating healthy a way of life at your house.

Be a good role model. This may be the most important tip of all. Children tend to eat what their parents eat. Eat well-balanced meals with plenty of fruits and vegetables and your kids are more likely to do the same.

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