For years, I have successfully avoided every fitness craze out there, from Jane Fonda’s legwarmers to Suzanne Somers’ Thighmaster, and I’m planning to skip whatever gimmick comes next, such as the Miley Cyrus Twerkout.
Also, I am praying that she won’t be Prancersizing with a Shakeweight.
Until now, the only regular stretching I’ve done is reaching for more fried chicken, but now I am bending, breathing and dislocating with the best of them. Yes, I have discovered yoga, and my discovery is that yoga is really just the world’s worst game of Twister.
Downward-Draining Dough
While yoga might be turn me into a pretzel, I’m not going to let it tie my budget in knots. I’ve found a nearby fitness studio where I can get my yoga on for less than $5 a session, and I don’t even need to buy my own yoga mat, meditation pillow or yak.
Many people approach fitness with fleeting good intentions that sadly become another paving stone in their road to debt hell — $26 billion of annual spending on gym, health and fitness clubs, according to IBISWorld.
To lose weight, people sign up for a $49.95 monthly gym membership, which they put on an automated credit card payment. After a few months, their self-improvement impulse evaporates, but canceling the gym charge would seem like an admission of failure. Worse, canceling a gym contract can be more torture than the worst yoga move, like some kind of Inverted Credit Card No-Refund Pose.
This leaves people sitting in front of the TVs plowing through carry-out pizza, getting nearly as bloated as their card balances. Instead of losing weight, they’re losing a couple hundred bucks a year in some kind of financially anorexic binge and purge.
Bulges on a budget
To get physically fit without becoming financial flabby, carefully read any contracts with gyms, then check them out with the Better Business Bureau and local consumer agency. Even better, borrow fitness DVDs and books from the library, find videos and lessons on the Web or go for a good long — and free — walk every day.
There’s also no reason to go nuts on workout gear, like 30 E-Z payments for a monstrous home gym or designer workout togs. I get by just fine, thank you, in a plain pair of black gym shorts, which makes them my official yoga pants, since they’re the pants I always wear to yoga.
Whatever you do, don’t use getting lean as an excuse to puff up your budget. You don’t want to be worrying about money and debt when you should be concentrating on your Downward-Facing Dog pose or, as I call it, “Right hand, purple.”
(313) 222-2145
“The $1,000 Challenge: How One Family Slashed Its Budget Without Moving Under a Bridge or Living on Government Cheese” is Brian O’Connor’s humorous guide to budget-cutting. It’s due out Oct. 29, but discounted now at[1] [2]
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