Whenever I head to a Vinyasa yoga[1] class, I always leave more relaxed and uplifted than when I first arrived. With that said, sometimes I need to jump all over the emotional spectrum to find that place of peace. If you can relate, buckle up and read on through this emotional roller coaster, animated in awesome GIFs.
The afternoon is pretty dull, but then you realize you signed up for yoga last night.
Source: NBC
And your favorite teacher is instructing!
Source: Netflix
Tonight is going to be the best. You're going to push yourself in order to get a challenging workout, but you'll still leave plenty of space for the spiritual side of things.
Source: NBC
As soon enter the studio, you feel an instant sense of calm and release. You're ready to rock this class.
Source: Warner Bros. Pictures
You politely chat with students in the lobby and sip plenty of water so you're adequately hydrated.
Source: AMC
Then your yoga BFF arrives. You guys are so excited because YOU GET TO DO YOGA TONIGHT!
Source: ABC
You walk into the room, juggling a mat, block, blanket, strap, and your water bottle, and try to nab a spot that will suit your needs. This is way more difficult than it needs to be.
Source: FX
Then you say hello to the teacher in the hope of making a connection.
Source: Fox
Now that you're settled, you can sit quietly and warm up your wrists and toes, but no need to go overboard.
You begin to let go of all your lists, expectations, and responsibilities. For now.
Source: Warner Bros. Pictures
Keep reading to see what happens next.
You're warming up and flowing through some Sun Salutations, and you are feeling good.
Then, about two minutes into class, you have that moment when you think to yourself, "Maybe I should become a yoga instructor. I could totally teach this class!"
Source: Bravo
Slowly but surely, you ease into Tree Pose and almost immediately lose your balance. This is normally an easy pose for you, but for some strange reason, it's not working out today.
Then you turn to your left and see a seminaked yogi winking at you suggestively. Not the time or place!
Source: Walt Disney Pictures
Really? Crow Pose this early in class? Is this teacher really choosing every pose you hate on purpose?
20th Century Fox
OK, we get it. You need to breathe really deep. If you connect your movement with your breath, this will all feel a lot easier and more pleasant . . .
Wait! You just got an adjustment from your instructor. She doesn't hate you after all — it was all in your mind.
Source: Cartoon Network
All right, this is really hard again. Is class almost over?
Source: NBC
Savasana! Time to lay down. Now all you have to do is chill out.
Source: Pixar
After what feels like 10 seconds of rest, you're already asked to wake up.
Source: Lifetime
But tonight you took care of your mind, body, and spirit. You should be proud of your commitment.
Source: NBC
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