Fitness Carter

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

World famous yoga teacher coming to Norman - Moore American

MOORE — Sri BNS Iyengar will make his first ever visit to America this month. Iyengar is being hosted by Ashtanga Yoga Studio, 120 E Tonhawa St, Norman.

The renowned yoga instructor will be in Norman from Sept. 13-29. He will present a free lecture at 6 p.m. on Sept. 13.

With over 60 years of experience with yoga in Mysore, India, he is one of the most senior teachers of Ashtanga Yoga in the world and speaks both Sanskrit and English fluently.

To study Asana with him is a deep glimpse into the tradition of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. He oftens says, “Practicing asana is like washing vegetables. Will you stand there washing the vegetables all night long or will you cook them and eat them?”

Asana practice is a means to an end for Sri BNS Iyengar. He encourages his students to look beyond the physical practice of postures into the more subtle practices of Pranayama, Mudra and Meditation. When these subjects are taught with chanting of the texts that pertain to them, as well as metaphors and stories from his lifelong exposure, they take on an authenticity and richness that are rare and beautiful.

BNS Iyengar opened Sri Patanjala Yogashala (R) Vinyasa Asthanga Yoga Research Institute on April 18 1984, at Parakala Mutt in Mysore. BNS Iyengar currently conducts Yoga Research and daily practice in Asana, Pranayama, Yogamudra and Philosophy at Kanchen Home.

Classes include asana, pranayama, mudra, 8-limbs yoga, Moon Day and Raja Yoga, Karma and Bhakti Yoga, the Chakra system, “Citta Vritti Nirodha” Bandha and more.

Asana practices with Sri Iyengar are a journey into the traditional yoga practices. The asana classes will be led with adjustments and traditional count. Anyone with yoga experience is welcome to attend, if the practice becomes too strenuous, you may always rest.

Pranyama is a powerful experience and deep glimpse into the yoga tradition. The philosophy and purpose behind pranayama will be explained thoroughly in the Beginning and Advanced courses. The methods will be clearly taught with emphasis on correctness of technique as well as safety. This course is open to all regardless of previous experience.

Advanced pranayama is recommended for those who have an existing pranayama and/or a strong regular asana practice. The breath retentions will be longer and it is not advisable for those with high blood pressure or other heart conditions.

Mudra is open to all regardless of experience. Mudra is a little understood area of yoga among Western practitioners. Most people associate it with hand gestures and this is one valid branch of mudra practice. However this class will focus on the mudras which engage various muscles groups within the body and include some breath retention.

Surya Namaskar is the foundation of the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. The movements and breathing technique found in Surya Namaskar are used consistently throughout the entire asana practice. There is an ancient history behind the breath counts and symbolism. The practice of greeting the sun goes back as far as yoga texts can be traced.

Register for classes with Iyengar at Call Andrew Eppler at 503-7779 for more information. Registration deadline is Sept. 6.

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