Fitness Carter

Friday, November 29, 2013

New Year's Fitness Resolution Now? - KELOLAND TV


Often gyms see a spike in membership on January 1, but Personal Trainer Heidi Lafrenz is pushing for more people to start their workout plan for the New Year now.

"A lot of times I hear people say, 'I'm going to get in shape right after the holidays. I'm so busy right now,'" Lafrenz said.

Sydney Diederich has seen plenty of people come and go beside her each year at the gym. Most start the year with her, but don't always end it there.

"People always try to wait for that landmark--New Year's. That's the day I'm going to start my diet and working out. It gets to a point where you build up so much anticipation that all of a sudden you are overwhelmed," Sydney Diederich said.

That's just one of the reasons why Lafrenz says it's easier to hit the gym now, rather than at the beginning of 2014.

"Get in the habits now and those habits will stick with you. Plus, you are going to feel a lot better about those family events," Lafrenz said.

Lafrenz also believes that if you know how hard it is to lose weight, you'll think a little bit more before eating too much over the holidays.

"You're going to go, 'Well, I went to the gym today. Why am I going to have five cookies,'" Lafrenz said.

Diederich also says it's a great way to feel better during this holiday season.

"It gives me a lot of energy. It helps me be able to do everything I want to do in my life," Diederich said.

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