SHARON >> A group of young children gathered Saturday to learn yoga and gratitude in Sharon. Bright Energy Yoga hosted a special kids yoga class to teach these 4 to 7-year-old children to give thanks to people and things in their life by posing, stretching and storytelling.
Gabriele Davis, owner and yoga instructor of Bright Energy Yoga, said it’s a powerful practice for kids and adults to focus on the good things in their life and help them be optimistic.
As a former children magazine editor, Davis would create a story tied to a theme in her kids yoga training and do poses around the storyline. In her Saturday class, the theme was gratitude. The story started at a preparation for a Thanksgiving dinner. She called the yoga poses funny names like mashing potatoes or doggy styles, and she even sang during the practice. The little ones barked or meowed when doing doggy style or kitty style and sang along. Some even pretended to meditate and bursted into laughter right away.
Davis talked a little bit about breathing in class, but she didn’t go too deep. She said the point is to introduce the idea of yoga to young children and create a sense of community.
“[Yoga] helps them tune into their body and their breathe, and that helps them tap into their inner strength,” Davis said.
Reach Shako Liu at 860-489-3121 ext. 316.
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