Fitness Carter

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Eating tips for marathon runners - Toronto Sun

On a marathon-eating binge to fuel up for your long-distance race?

Well you’re likely on the wrong track to the finish line. You run what you eat – and the calorie overloading and weekend blowouts have got to stop!

“Sometimes people take ‘carb loading’ beyond what they need. During training you need to fuel for your runs but don’t use your runs as a reason to eat high calorie and fatty foods,” says Larry Track, of[1] .

According to registered dietitian Brooke Brown of[2] , “people may speculate that nutrition is good, therefore more is better, when in fact too much could hinder their performance.”

And some people who perceive their workout as hard often give themselves permission to overindulge. “I often hear grossly overestimated calories burned from workouts,” says Brown.

Tame that insatiable hunger! “This isn’t the time to eat everything and anything in sight.” Fight off the munchies and work up those willpower muscles. “Eat to train… not the other way around,” says Brown, who is also a professional triathlete.

“The longer the race goes, the more important nutrition becomes,” says trainer and runner Barrie Shepley. “Whether you are a top Kenyan or a weekend warrior just trying to get through a half marathon, proper hydration and caloric intake during the race can make the difference between getting on the podium and not finishing a race.”

Track agrees: “Don’t bonk!” Avoid hitting the wall by staying hydrated and fueled properly before, during and after your run. “Nutrition is the key to finishing strong.”

Whether training or not, Track says there should not be much change to your already good eating regime. “You might need a few extra calories as you will burn approximately 100-150 calories per mile. You should avoid foods your body is not use to and limit your alcohol intake.”

Eat clean, he says, and avoid foods that your body does not agree with. “Don’t shock your body with anything new before your race,” stresses Track, or you may find yourself making an emergency bathroom run.

Adds Brown: “Without a well-rounded diet, much of the purpose of your training might be lost.

Eat to finish: “Good daily nutrition allows you to train harder, sustain your work effort, recover faster and support your optimal physique for running,” says Brown, who was first runner up at the recent Ironman Louisville.

Eat a diet that is plentiful in variety, colour and nutrient-dense carbs in order to boost energy and stamina to meet training demands, she adds.



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  4. ^ Have you ever run a marathon? (

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